Terrestrial invasive plants can cause a very serious impact on forestry in Wisconsin -- a $20 billion dollar per year industry. Shrubs such as buckthorn and honeysuckle, along with garlic mustard plants are some of the culprits that can already be found in Florence County. These non-native, agressively growing plants shade out tree seedlings that can prevent the regeneration of young trees. Please be aware of the terrestrial plants of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Invasive Species Rule "NR40." To learn more, please visit https://p.widencdn.net/fjma0n/Regulated-Terrestrial-Invasive-Plants-in-WI---FR-464 for a photographpic guide of the regulated terrestrial plants of Wisconsin, and http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Invasives/ classification.html for more details about the rule and any other regulated invasive species. For more landowner resources regarding invasive species, check out the Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition website at: www.wrisc.org or see the WDNR invasive species factsheets at: Invasives | Wisconsin DNR |