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Hours of Operation

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Florence County Courthouse will be closed the following holidays:

New Years Day
Presidents' Day
Friday before Easter
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve

If any of the above mentioned holidays falls on Saturday, it shall be observed the preceding Friday and if a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday.
Departments » Sheriff » Project Lifesaver

Project Lifesaver

Florence County Project Lifesaver

Contact Dave Gribble for more information

715-528-3346 or email dgribble@co.florence.wi.us

Who is at risk for wandering?
Of the people in Florence County with Alzheimer's Disease or a related dementia, approximately 60% will develop the tendency to wander. The task of searching for wandering lost individuals with Alzheimer's, Autism, Down's Syndrome, dementia or other cognitive conditions is a growing and serious responsibility. Without effective procedures and equipment, searches can involve multiple agencies, hundreds of officers, countless man hours and thousands of dollars. More importantly, because time is of the essence, every minute lost increases the risk of tragic outcome.

How does Project Lifesaver work?
Project Lifesaver combines "tried and true" radio technology with rescue teams from the local community including law enforcement and public safety officials to build an effective life-saving system that has proven itself, time and again, to be reliable, responsive, practical and affordable.

Those who are part of the Project Lifesaver Program wear a personalized wristband that emits a tracking signal. When caregivers notify law enforcement officials that the person is missing, a search and rescue team responds to the wanderer's area and starts searching with the mobile locator tracking system. Search times have been reduced from hours and days to only minutes.

Can Project Lifesaver save lives?
A 79 year-old man with Alzheimer's became lost while driving his truck. When the family had searched the neighborhood with no results, a Project Lifesaver team was called in. In just 35 minutes a rescue team located the man using the signal transmitted from his wristband. Several weeks earlier, before joining Project Lifesaver, the same man had wandered off and was missing for two and a-half days!

What are the benefits?
  • Over 2,126 wanderers found to date (PLS International)Average location time: 22 minutes
  • No injuries and no deaths to date
  • Average number of officers used in Project Lifesaver searches: 2
  • Locates day or night, inside or outside, up to a mile on the ground
  • Affordable start-up fee, with scholarships available
Who benefits from Project Lifesaver?
Project Lifesaver aids victims and families suffering from Alzheimer's Disease and related disorders as well as individuals with Down's Syndrome or Autism. By forming partnerships with local law enforcement and public safety organizations, Florence County Project Lifesaver deploys specially trained teams with the most reliable technology available to quickly locate and return wandering adults and children to their families and caregivers.

How much does it cost?
The average cost may vary, depending on the type of wristband chosen. There is also a monthly fee of $10 to cover the cost of maintaining the battery and wristband.

Will I have to pay out-of-pocket?
The Florence County Project Lifesaver team believes each person who needs a wristband should have one, regardless of ability to pay. Funding sources are available to cover costs for those who cannot afford to pay.

How do I qualify for assistance?
Anyone is eligible for assistance. Each family is asked to offset as much of the cost as their budget will allow. This ensures that funds will remain available for others who are also in need of assistance.
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