Florence County Click For Map
Florence County Wisconsin
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Hours of Operation

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Florence County Courthouse will be closed the following holidays:

New Years Day
Presidents' Day
Friday before Easter
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve

If any of the above mentioned holidays falls on Saturday, it shall be observed the preceding Friday and if a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday.

General Information

The 2020 US Census is upon us, with many people already receiving their invite to participate in the 2020 US Census. For people that have Post Office (PO) Boxes, you will not receive the 2020 US Census invitation.  If you have a PO box or do not receive the 2020 Census invitation please go to the link below and then click on the link “If you do not have a Census ID, click here” to fill out your 2020 US Census form, and ensure a complete and accurate count for Florence County!

Responding without a Census ID


2020 US Census data is used to allocate Federal funding, and will also to determine how many seats in the US House of Representatives each state will have. People that have multiple residences should be recording their 2020 US Census form at the location they spend the most time throughout the year. Please be sure to fill out your Census form either online by phone or by mail to ensure a complete and accurate 2020 US Census count for Florence County. Please go to 2020census.gov for more information.
The below  links are to US Census Bureau Public service announcements that provide a short video providing more information regarding the 2020 US Census. 
Public Service Announcements


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