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Florence County Wisconsin
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• Resources
Hours of Operation

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Florence County Courthouse will be closed the following holidays:

New Years Day
Presidents' Day
Friday before Easter
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve

If any of the above mentioned holidays falls on Saturday, it shall be observed the preceding Friday and if a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday.

General Information

A Disability Benefits Specialist assists disabled individuals ages 17 3/4 through age 59 with programs that focus on relieving financial stress. A Disability Benefit Specialist (DBS) can help you with Medicaid, SSDI, SSI, Medicare, prescription drug assistance, Food Share, and more. A DBS provides information and help determining if a person qualifies. A DBS assists in connecting people to appropriate benefits and explaining how to apply.

A DBS is an advocate who can help “cut the red tape” which can be a barrier for persons trying to understand whether they are eligible for assistance. They can also assist persons who have been denied benefits and need to appeal a decision. They help negotiate with public agencies, medical offices, or insurance companies to resolve problems. They will offer a referral to an appropriate attorney when necessary.

Many of the benefit issues which adults with disabilities face are very complex. The Disability Benefits Specialist assesses the situation and lays out options so that persons can make an informed choice. Often a phone conversation can be sufficient to provide information and guidance, if not, the Disability Benefits Specialist is available for office appointments or home visits.

Youth in Transition Counseling: Transition from school to the adult world takes on special importance for youth with disabilities. When high school ends, so does their entitlement to special education and related services. ADRC staff will help you explore, understand and access the options and services available.

Looking for a Disability Benefit Specialist outside of Florence County, Wisconsin? You'll find more information about the program and where to find it in other parts of Wisconsin from this website at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

If you are deaf, hard-of-hearing or deaf/blind and need help with your benefits, you may choose to contact the
Deaf Disability Benefit Specialist at the Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. These services are offered statewide.

Questions about how working might affect your disability benefits? Contact a
Work Incentives Benefit Specialist.

Contact:  Phone: 715-528-4890
Toll Free: 1-855-528-ADRC (2372)
TTY: 715-528-5023
Fax: 715-528-4241
Click here to email
Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Home visits and after hours appointments by request.
If you need special accommodations, please ask.
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