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• Resources
Hours of Operation

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Florence County Courthouse will be closed the following holidays:

New Years Day
Presidents' Day
Friday before Easter
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Year's Eve

If any of the above mentioned holidays falls on Saturday, it shall be observed the preceding Friday and if a holiday falls on Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday.

General Information

Mental Health Crisis Line, 1-866-317-9362 or text 4HOPE to 741741.  Lines open 24/7 and are confidential.

Today there are many ways that someone can stay healthy and avoid injury even if a person is geting older or living with a disability.

ADRC can help you make connections that will support your best possible health and safety.
A little bit of exercise can go a long way toward keeping you healthy. Check out 4 ways every day from the National Institute of Health for tips on making little daily changes for a BIG difference.

Fruits & Veggies - More Matters!
"Eat your fruits and vegetables." You've likely heard this statement since childhood. Research shows why it is good advice: healthy diets rich in fruis and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. Most fruits and vegetales taste good, are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling, as well. For easy way to incorporate more fruit and veggies inyour your life, click

Prescription Drop Off: Do you have out of date prescription medications or medications you no longer use? Help keep your family and community safe - drop off your unwanted medications at the Florence County Sheriff's Department, next to the courthouse on Lake Avenue in Florence. The Sheriff's Department will safely dispose of these medications. Proper disposal of unwanted prescriptions drugs keeps you and your family safe, and keeps the you and the community safe by keeping medications out of our pristine waterways and groundwater. The Sheriff's Department is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-866-317-9362. Confidential over the phone crisis intervention line for Florence County residents. Caring professionals will provide a supportive listening ear for people in our community who are experiencing emotional distress. Call anytime day or night.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals. Click Here For More Information

The Department of Veterans Affairs staffs a Veterans' Suicide Prevention line. The number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Below are some links for more information about Health, Safety, and Wellness:

The ADRC's Health Organizations list

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Harvard School of Public Health - Disease Risk Index. Here, you can find out your risk of developing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and stroke and get personalized tips for preventing these diseases.

Health in Aging

National Institute of Health

AgePages - from the National Institute on Aging

National Institute on Aging: Exercise & Physical Activity Guide

Rare Diseases

Mesothelioma Guide

Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging

You may also want to visit the ADRC's Caregiver Support page for weblinks to Alzheimer's and dementia resources.

Ready Wisconsin
Information and resources about "Being Ready and Staying Safe."

Call the ADRC for information about area support groups.

There is a strong connection between volunteering and well-being. Are you interested in volunteer opportunities in Florence County?
Click here.

Contact:  Phone: 715-528-4890
Toll Free: 1-855-528-ADRC (2372)
TTY: 715-528-5023
Fax: 715-528-4241
Click here to email
Hours:  Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Home visits and after hours appointments by request.
If you need special accommodations, please ask.
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